6.4 - Community Education for Leisure Process

Standard:  The agency shall have a process to educate the general citizenry about the use of leisure time and the outcomes, benefits, values, and positive impacts of leisure and recreation services. The process shall be periodically evaluated for effectiveness. Educating the public about leisure and recreation shall be ongoing and systematic and should be done in cooperation with the community, e.g., schools, other leisure agencies, business, industry, and commercial recreation establishments.  

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide examples of the methods utilized by the agency to educate the community on the benefits, values, and impacts of leisure and recreation services to a diverse range of participants and non-participants. Provide the last review of effectiveness. 

Informational reference in the Management of Park and Recreation Agencies, (2010), 3rd Ed., Chapter 9 – Program Services and Event Management, pp. 172-174.

Agency Evidence of Compliance:

The Park District of Oak Park has implemented a number of strategies designed to educate the community about the use and benefits of leisure. For example:

  • The Park District has created a document regarding the "Impact of Parks & Recreation1" on the Oak Park community which is distributed to Park District partners, community leaders, reporters, citizen committee members and others to orientate and educate them.
  • The benefits of parks and recreation are often included in program descriptions2 included in the Park District's program guide.
  • The Park District promotes the benefits of recreation on its website3.
  • Through the Park District's Program & Event evaluation tool, customers are asked for quote about their experiences in our programs.  These testimonials4 are used in Park District marketing efforts and in other areas to demonstrate the benefits of parks and recreation.
  • The Park District used benefits language to promote summer camps on a flyer5 sent to every household in Oak Park as part of the Village of Oak Park FYI Newsletter.


  1. 06.04.00_Impact-of-Parks-and-Recreation-Document.pdf
  2. 06.04.00_Benefits-in-Program-Descriptions.pdf
  3. link to Benefits Promotion on Park District website
  4. 06.04.00_Testimonials-in-Program-Guide.pdf
  5. 06.04.00_Benefits-on-FYI-Flyer.pdf

Agency Self Assessment: MET