Standard: All documents designated for approval by the appropriate approving authority shall be approved or adopted in a manner consistent with the agency process and procedure for adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and operational procedures, except that the agency budget and park and recreation system master plan must be adopted or approved by the entity responsible for policy-making.
Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide documentation that the agency budget and park and recreation system master plan have been duly adopted or approved by the entity responsible for policy-making and that other documents designated for approval by the appropriate approving authority have been approved in a manner consistent with the agency process and procedure for approval of policies, rules, regulations, and operational procedures.
Agency Evidence of Compliance:
In general, the Park District Board of Commissioners is responsible for creating and updating policies and plans governing the Park District and staff in administering the policies. The responsibility for creating and updating, or causing to be created or updated, procedures for implementing policy or departmental or operational plans falls to the Executive Director.
Agency Self Assessment: MET