6.3 - Scope of Program Opportunities

Standard:  The content of agency programs shall be related directly to stated program objectives and shall provide for individual differences of interests, abilities (mental, social, physical), and backgrounds.  Activities selected shall be suited to and contribute toward fulfillment of the basic physical, emotional, social, and intellectual requirements of individuals.  The agency should take into consideration the total community offerings; some opportunities may be offered by other organizations, private, public, and non-profit.  

Suggested Evidence of Compliance:  Provide a matrix or listing of programs by fields, demonstrating clearly how the agency provides opportunities for proficiency levels, socioeconomic levels, racial and ethnic backgrounds, ages, and genders.

Informational reference in the Management of Park and Recreation Agencies, (2010), 3rd Ed., Chapter 9 – Program Services and Event Management, pp. 163-165, 174-179.

Agency Evidence of Compliance:

DPRAC - 5.3.2 Comprehensive Year-Round Program Opportunities

Agency Self Assessment: MET