Standard: There shall be citizen boards/committees that are advisory to the agency and the approving authority that appoints them. Advisory boards engage the community and serve as advocates for the advancement of programs, facilities, and services.
Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide list of boards/committees with membership, authority, responsibilities and duties, terms of office, meeting minutes.
Informational reference in the Management of Park and Recreation Agencies, (2010), 3rd Ed., Chapter 3 - Legal Authority and Jurisdiction, pp. 53-54.
Agency Evidence of Compliance:
The Park District values community input and involvement and has organized four citizen-led volunteer committees to work the Park Board of Commissioners and staff for the betterment of the Park District and community. Basic information about the committees as well as current membership is listed in the Park District's Municipal Directory1.
Park District Citizen Committee (PDCC). Originally organized in 2003 to assist in the comprehensive planning process, this committee oversees the implementation of the Park District's comprehensive plan and capital improvement plan and provides a valuable communication channel between the Park District and the citizens of Oak Park. With the help of the PDCC, the Park District is better able to assess community needs and expectations necessary to carry out its mission. The PDCC is made up of 11 members, and up to 2 alternate members and 2 student members. They are appointed by the Park District Board of Commissioners to serve staggered 3 year terms. Student members must be Oak Park residents and a junior or senior attending an Oak Park high school who serve a 1 year term from September through August. Meetings are held monthly and PDCC Meeting Minutes2 are taken. More information about this committee can be found in the PDCC Mission & Guiding Principles3.
Greening Advisory Committee (GAC). The GAC was originally organized in 2007 as the Greening Task Force to discuss the environmental issues that the Park District was facing, to explore measures to be taken to meet citizens' greening interests, and maintain the health of the parks. The committee acts as a liaison between the Park District and the community, helping implement the Park District's Environmental Policy4, assisting the Park Board in identifying and exploring sustainability issues and environmental initiatives, helping determine annual projects, and maintaining the Green Team, the Park District's park stewardship program. The GAC is made up of 6-8 members appointed by the Park District Board of Commissioners who serve staggered 3 year terms and select Park District staff. The committee meets monthly and GAC Meeting Minutes5 are taken. More information about this committee can be found in the GAC Mission & Guiding Principles6.
Art Advisory Committee (AAC). The purpose of the AAC is to enhance the cultural and esthetic quality of life in Oak Park by integrating art throughout the Park District. The committee was formed as part of the development of Public Art Guidelines7 which spelled out guidelines for the acquisition, placement, and maintenance of art in the Park District. The committee acts as a resource and provides expertise in the area of fine arts; maintains an inventory, inspects, and provides public education on existing art in the Park District; works to encourage contribution of funds to the Park District Artworks Acquisition and Maintenance Fund and recommends the designation of these funds; and works with other public and private entities and individuals on art-related activities. The AAC is made up of 7 members appointed by the Park District Board of Commissioners who serve staggered 3 year terms. The committee meets on an as-needed basis; AAC Meeting Minutes8 are taken when meetings are held.
Senior Advisory Committee (SAC). The mission of the SAC is to provide guidance and recommend direction to the Park District regarding the development and implementation of recreational activities for senior citizens. The committee has developed the SAC Bylaws9 to outline committee roles and responsibilities. The committee is made up of seven voting members (3 are appointed by the Park District Board of Commissioners, 4 are elected by the Active Adult members-at-large) who serve 2 year terms. In addition, up to 2 Park District staff serve as non-voting representatives. The SAC meets approximately every 2 months and SAC Meeting Minutes10 are taken.
- 01.01.02_Municipal-Directory.pdf
- 01.01.02_PDCC-Meeting-Minutes.pdf
- 01.01.02_PDCC-Mission-and-Guiding-Principles.pdf
- 01.01.02_Environmental-Policy.pdf
- 01.01.02_GAC-Meeting-Minutes.pdf
- 01.01.02_GAC-Mission-and-Guiding-Principles.pdf
- 01.01.02_AAC-Public-Art-Guidelines.pdf (see highlighted portion beginning on page 4)
- 01.01.02_AAC-Meeting-Minutes.pdf
- 01.01.02_SAC-Bylaws.pdf
- 01.01.02_SAC-Minutes.pdf
Agency Self Assessment: MET