Standard: The agency shall be involved in local planning, e.g. comprehensive planning, strategic planning, and capital improvement planning by reviewing development proposals, monitoring the decisions of planning and zoning boards or commissions and participating on task forces and committees that will impact parks and recreation services within the jurisdiction.
Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Demonstrate the role of the agency in local planning through personnel assignments and documentation of involvement, e.g. minutes, agendas, and cooperative agreements.
Informational reference in the Management of Park and Recreation Agencies, (2010), 3rd Ed., Chapter 7 – Planning for Strategic Management, p. 120.
Agency Evidence of Compliance:
The Park District of Oak Park is actively involved in local planning efforts. The Executive Director typically represents the Park District in working with other governments in planning for the community. She recently served as a Steering Committee member of the strategic planning process for Oak Park River Forest High School1. Additionally, she participated in the Parks, Open Space, and Environmental Features portion of the Village of Oak Park comprehensive master planning process2, including monitoring the progress of the report and how it would affect the Park District3. She was also a member of the Advisory Committee for the Cook County Forest Preserve's Recreation Master Plan4 The Park District was also an active participant in the development of a 10-year Bike Plan5 for Oak Park, of which the Executive Director still participates in the roll-out of in conjunction with the Active Transportation Alliance6.
- 02.02.00_OPRFHS-Strategic-Plan.pdf
- 02.02.00_Oak-Park-Comprehensive-Plan-Participants-Package.pdf
- 02.02.00_E-mail-from-Executive-Director-Regarding-Oak-Park-Comprehensive-Plan.pdf
- 02.02.00_Cook-County-Forest-Preserve-Recreation-Master-Plan.pdf
- 02.02.00_Oak-Park-Bike-Plan.pdf
- 02.02.00_Active-Transportation-Alliance-Planning-Process.pdf
Agency Self Assessment: MET