1.4.1 - Agency Goals and Objectives ★

Standard: There shall be established, measurable goals and objectives for the agency and for each organizational component within the agency. Such goals and objectives shall be directed towards accomplishing the agency mission, be reviewed periodically, and distributed to all appropriate personnel.

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the measurable goals and objectives for each organizational component, with evidence of period review and distribution.

Informational reference in the Management of Park and Recreation Agencies, (2010), 3rd Ed., Chapter 5 - Organization Structure and Administrative Operations, pp. 72-73; Chapter 11 - Physical Resource Planning, pp. 220-224; Chapter 15 - Public Relations, Marketing, Customer Service, p. 360.

DPRAC - 1.3.1 District Goals (Mandatory CAPRA Standard)

Agency Evidence of Compliance:

The Park District has several sets of goals and objectives it works throughout the year to achieve.  One set of goals and objectives comes from the Park District's comprehensive plan1 and another set comes from the strategic plan2.  The other set is developed annually by each Park District component3 during the budget development process.  

Staff update the status of each goal and objective throughout the year. The percent of goals completed is a Park District performance measure and annual results are documented in the Park District Performance Measurement Annual Report4 (only strategic and department goals were tracked in 2014, comprehensive goal tracking added in 2015). Progress during the year is displayed on the Park District's dashboards software5where it is made available to all staff as well as to the public on the Park District's website6. By clicking on the charts, both staff and the public are also able to view the current list of goals and objectives.  


  1. 01.04.01_Comprehensive-Plan-Goals-and-Objectives.pdf
  2. 01.04.01_Strategic-Plan-Goals-and-Objectives.pdf
  3. 01.04.01_2015-Department-Goals.pdf
  4. 01.04.01_2014-Performance-Measurement-Report.pdf (current version is draft until the 2014 fiscal year closes out, final version to be uploaded in March)
  5. Screenshot of Goals on Park District dashboards (below)
  6. link to Goals & Objectives status on Park District website (scroll down to middle of webpage)

Agency Self Assessment: MET

Screenshot of Staff Dashboard Displaying Current Status of all Goals and Objectives