2.6 - Feasibility Studies

Standard:   Studies shall be conducted to determine the feasibility of proposed facilities.

Suggested Evidence of Compliance:  Provide examples of recent feasibility studies such as market, cost benefit, site, transportation, environmental and economic analysis.

Informational reference in the Management of Park and Recreation Agencies, (2010), 3rd Ed., Chapter 11 – Physical Resource Planning, pp. 215-215.

Agency Evidence of Completion:

As stewards of public resources, the Park District strives to ensure that all major projects undertaken are financially sound, environmentally responsible, and are appropriate to the community's needs and wants.  To this end, the Park District conducts various studies to determine the feasibility of new recreation services and facility projects as well as renovation and improvements to existing facilities.

When planning a possible facility or park renovation, the Park District may choose to complete an Existing Conditions Study.  For example, when determining the best direction to take at the Ridgeland Common park and facility (now the Ridgeland Common Recreation Complex), a thorough Ridgeland Common Existing Conditions Study1 was done.  Once renovation plans were made, a Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report2 was completed as well. Smaller studies, such as traffic or travel studies may be completed as well, as was the case with the Gymnastics Center Travel Study3.

When investigating the feasibility of a new service or facility, the Park District may choose to create a Pro Forma.  When the Park District was trying to determine whether or not it should expand its gymnastics programs and facility operations, a Pro Forma Operation and Financial Analysis Report for a Proposed Expanded Gymnastics Center4 was created.

When acquiring or developing a property, the Park District may choose to conduct environmental reviews. For example, when the Park District was purchasing the property at 25 Lake Street, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment5 and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment6 were completed.

​After the Park District ultimately decided to purchase this property, the Board of Commissioners and staff had to determine whether or not it should be used to house an expanded building & grounds facility or an expanded gymnastics center.  A Validation Study was completed and a 25 Lake Street Property Validation Study Presentation7 was given.


  1. 02.06.00_Ridgeland-Common-Existing-Conditions-Study.pdf
  2. 02.06.00_Preliminary-Geotechnical-Engineering-Report-for-Ridgeland-Commons.pdf
  3. 02.06.00_Gymnastics-Center-Travel-Study.pdf
  4. 02.06.00_Pro-Forma-Operations-and-Financial-Analysis-Report-for-a-Proposed-Expanded-Gymnastics-Center.pdf
  5. 02.06.00_Phase-I-Environmental-Site-Assessment-for-25-Lake-Street.pdf
  6. 02.06.00_Phase-II-Environmental-Site-Assessment-for-25-Lake-Street.pdf
  7. 02.06.00_25-Lake-Street-Property-Validation-Study-Presentation.pdf

Agency Self Assessment: MET