4.1.6 - Employee Benefits

Standard:  There shall be an established employee benefits plan.  Each of the benefits provided to employees shall be described in terms of what is provided, under what conditions, and the extent of the benefit.  Types of benefits often include administrative leave, holiday leave, sick leave, vacation leave, retirement program, health insurance program, disability and death benefits program, liability protection program, provision of clothing and equipment used by employees in performing park and recreation functions, employee education benefits, if any, and personnel support services to employees.  

Suggested Evidence of Compliance:  Provide the employee benefits plan.

Informational reference in the Management of Park and Recreation Agencies, (2010), 3rd Ed., Chapter 16 – Human Resource Employment, pp 416-422.

Agency Evidence of Compliance:

DPRAC - 4.5.1 Comprehensive Personnel Policies Manual

Agency Self Assessment: MET